
The Three C’s of Relationships

Just about everybody wants to be accepted and liked by others, but it’s hard to please everyone. I’ve learned that there is a common set of traits that many people admire. This is why I’ve come up with “the three c’s” which have helped me in my relationship.

1. Confidence

Confidence is key to most things. It helps you get a job, meet new people, find that special somebody, and try new things. It may be tough for those who are more on the timid side like me, but everybody can be confident in some aspect of their life.

One of the first things you need to do is dress up and look decent. When we look good, we feel good. This also can apply to your state of mind. If you tell yourself that you are confident you will start to feel confident. It also helps to improve your posture. Just believe in yourself!

2. Commitment

Everybody loves a person who sticks to their word. Commitment is a very simple thing to improve if you learn how to say no to things you can’t stick with. Learn how to start doing things completely and not just backing out when they’re “good enough”.

This is extremely important in life as it will make you a more trustworthy and desirable person to others. This is one of the best character traits you can apply to yourself as it shows your significant other that you are serious about your relationship and you are ready to move forward.

3. Conscientious

This one goes hand in hand with commitment. The definition of conscientious is “wishing to do what is right, especially to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly.” The point I’m going to make with conscientiousness is pretty self-explanatory. Many people want to do what is right, and they want others to do the same thing. They also want to be with somebody who is willing to put 110 percent into their relationship.

As you can see, these all make sense when applied to somebody’s relationship. If you can apply the three c’s to yourself and find the right person, your significant other will thank you.

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